Travancore Nature History Society




Trivandrum: The recently concluded field workshop ANTCON 2024, a collaborative effort by The Department of Forests and Wildlife, Kerala, Travancore Nature History Society Trivandrum, and INTREC, Trivandrum, marked a significant exploration into the world of ants. This three-day hands-on workshop, held at The State Forest Training Institute, Arippa, Trivandrum, aimed to bring better understanding of ants, their taxonomy, classification, Identification and ecological significance.

The three day event was flagged off by Pramod G Krishnan IFS, Additional Principal Conservator of Forests and Chief Wildlife Warden at the ceremony held at Forest Complex PTP Nagar, Trivandrum on 27th September. Mr Vinod Kumar IFS IHRD Chief Conservator delivered the welcome speech and Dr Kalesh Sadasivan in his inaugural lecture on Ants of Kerala gave the participants a birds eye view of the world of ants and their parallelism with the human society. Mr Justin Stanley Deputy Conservator of Forest, Mr JR Ani Director FIB, Mr. Saju S Nair Asst. Conservator Social Forestry Trivandrum, and Mr Vinod Kumar Warden Trivandrum Wildlife Division conveyed felicitations.

‘These lesser known invertebrates like butterflies and ants play unique roles in the preserving the health of our environment and climate change, and conservation of these indicator species are vital to have a safe ecosystems including forests’ said Mr Pramod G Krishnan in his inaugural address.

The field workshop held at State Forest Training Institute, tailored for amateurs, enthusiasts, researchers, and students, offered an immersive experience through diverse sessions and field visits. Esteemed experts covered different topics in myrmecology, ranging from Introduction to ants, collection methods, identification keys, research publications, macrophotography, to usage of stereomicroscope for examination. Fifteen delegates were trained intensively for three days on the various aspects of ant taxonomy including filed methods like leaflitter sifting, Winkler extraction, and Berlese funnel, and at the exit they were confident of identifying the ant genera in hand.

The programs concluded with an exciting exam session were the participants individually identified different ant genera in a systematic way using the taxonomy manual. The workshop extended an open invitation to all nature enthusiasts, from beginners to seasoned researchers, fostering a collaborative learning experience. Attendees were encouraged to share insights, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and deepen their understanding of the essential components of Myrmecology. ANTCON 2024 was a successful journey into the intricate science of ant taxonomy and their identification. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical sessions, the workshop provided a platform for passionate individuals to explore, learn, and contribute to the conservation of these often-overlooked contributors to our ecosystems.

The workshop sessions were handled by experts in the field like Dr. K. D. Prathapan Associate Professor at the Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Dr. Kalesh Sadasivan (Research Associate, TARG-TNHS), Mr. Manoj K (Research Associate, TARG-TNHS), Dr. Yeshwanth H. M. Professional Entomologist, and Dr. Sankararaman H. Assistant Professor at the Department of Crop Protection, Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu.